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Empowering Sustainable Energy Solutions

Integrated Solar Energy Products and Services

Complexity and Quality Assurance

Industry: Solar Energy Products

Location: Madison, GA, USA

Client since: 2023

  • PHP 
  • VUE.JS
  • AWS
  • Created end-to-end product roadmap and delivered a stable platform for their entire asset management. 
  • 40% Increase in productivity with the help of a Business intelligence system 
  • Increase in asset visibility and transparency 

Product Description

Adion Solar offers a comprehensive range of solar energy solutions through an integrated platform that includes an online shop and a main website. The online shop features high-quality solar products such as inverters, solar panels, and batteries, available for direct purchase. The main website provides detailed information about Adion Solar’s vision, technology, commercial installation services, and various financing options. The platform emphasizes quality assurance, with products that have undergone rigorous safety testing and industry-leading warranties.


Improvement in Inventory Management Efficiency


Data Transparency

6 Months

Development Timeline


Adion Solar faced the challenge of creating a comprehensive platform that seamlessly integrates an online shop with detailed information about solar energy benefits, technology, and services. Ensuring quality assurance and accessibility to all, including offering affordable financing options and incentives, added to the complexity of the project.


Adion Solar, in collaboration with Codepaper, developed a user-friendly web platform that includes an online shop for direct purchase of solar products and a main website with detailed information about their offerings. They introduced various financing options and incentives to make solar energy accessible to all and emphasized their commitment to quality by offering products that have undergone stringent safety testing, along with extensive warranties.


The result of this innovative approach is a comprehensive and user-friendly platform that allows customers to explore, understand, and purchase solar energy products and services. Adion Solar successfully positioned itself as a leading solar energy provider in Madison, offering high-quality products, excellent customer service, and a strong commitment to sustainability.

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